Weezer Appears In Others' Viral Videos

from the spreading-the-wealth dept

A few years back, the band Weezer put together its famous Pork & Beans video, which included a bunch of famous YouTube viral video stars. While there were some temporary issues when the band or its label screwed up and made the video itself non-embeddable, eventually things worked out. Apparently, the band is taking it up a notch this time. Rather than inviting YouTube stars into a Weezer video, the band is appearing in a bunch of videos for YouTube stars, on their own channels — effectively distributing the wealth. The YouTubers get to keep any ad revenue, but, of course the whole thing helps promote Weezer’s new album. Kind of amazing when you realize that it really wasn’t that long ago that the record labels were insisting that YouTube was harming musicians, huh? Anyway, here are a few of the “Weezer Invades YouTube” videos:

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Michael Whitetail says:

Re: Talent and Savvy

Weezer has talent? Surely you just ๐Ÿ˜‰

But yeah, agreed 100%! It is good to see groups embracing the platform, and doing this particular experiment (If you want to call it such) shows how inventive you can truly be in promoting and making that promotion valuable to others at the same time.

Good show Weezer

FarSide (profile) says:

Re: I just saw one this morning

Damn accidental-enter-key-submit-from-the-subject.

Stumbled on this one this morning (RayWilliamJohnson episode) before I saw this article


Weezer isn’t as prominent in this one – they only appear at the end – but I thought it was cool of them to jump onto some popular youtube channels (2.5 mil views this week is pretty good)

In fact, if it wasn’t for that (well, and then this article I suppose) I wouldn’t have known they even had a new album out.

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